Property Description
Location: Hyakuna Tamagusu, Nanjo , Okinawa
Transportation:About 50 minutes by car from Naha Airport (about 20.8km)
Land rights:Proprietary ownership
Land area: 3,624.00 m2 (approx. 1096.26 tsubo) in the official register
Land category: Wilderness
Private road burden: No
Access road: Public road, southwest side, approx. 8m wide
Zoning: Not designated
Urban planning:Non-delineated area
Other restrictions: Landscape Law,
Other restrictions: Landscape Law, Residential Environment Preservation District (Special Use Restriction District), Type 4 Wind Area
Building-to-land ratio/floor-area ratio: 40%/200%
Building area: 481.16 m2 (approx. 145.55 tsubo) in the official register
Structure: Reinforced concrete, 2 floors above ground
Construction date: March 2024
Current condition: Vacant
Delivery: Negotiable
Facilities: Public water supply, public sewage, Okinawa Electric Power, all electrification
Accessory building:
Structure:Reinforced concrete, one-story building
Built: June 2010
Total floor space: 69.19 m2 (approx. 20.92 tsubo)
Others: Interior remodeled in April 2021
Carport installed in August 2021.
One vehicle and furniture are included in the sales price.
The property falls under the category 4 wind zone and has the following restrictions.
Building height: 10m or less, Building-to-land ratio: 40% or less, Green space ratio: 20% or more