Location: Sesoko, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
Transportation:32 minutes by car from Sefkei Interchange (about 23.2km)
Land rights:Proprietary ownership
Land area: 928.26 m2 (approx. 280.79 tsubo), public registry
Private road burden: No
Setback: No
Lot classification: Residential land
Access road: West side public road width approx. 7.4m
Zoning: Not designated
Urban planning: Outside of urban planning area
Legal restrictions: Landscape Law
Building-to-land ratio/floor-area ratio:Under investigation
Building area: 148.64 m2 (approx. 44.96 tsubo) according to the official register
Structure: Light steel frame, 2 stories above ground
Floor plan: 3LDK
Date built: March 2018
Current Condition: Vacant
Delivery: Negotiable
Facilities:Public water supply, individual septic tank, Okinawa Electric Power, individual propane
Transaction form:Brokerage
Agent: Yafuso
Update: https://list-sir.jp/lp/date